


Wicca in New Zealand

Rites of Passage

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      We are always happy to meet someone else who is interested in exploring Witchcraft, the Old Religion, and its way of life. Witchcraft (Wicca Craeft), is also called Wicca, or alternatively, The Craft. This previously underground religion has much to teach every human about survival and about the ethical use of natural innate powers.

      The Craft is a way of life that investigates every potential that you have. The Craft draws its strength from the diversity of Nature itself; indeed it rejoices in diversity. Your views and interests are just as valid as anyone else's, and we hope that you too will help to push back the artificial barriers that surround many religious dogmas.

      The central purpose of Wicca is to strengthen the will of the individual without harming nature. The heart of the tradition is facilitating that people decide what they want to do and help its achievement. The methods used to achieve the will of the individual are a central feature of the Wiccan tradition. In general they are based on forming a circle and carrying out practices within that framework with other Wiccans.

      Wicca.org.nz is a New Zealand group dedicated to helping those interested in learning more of the craft. We welcome enquiries from those wishing to network with other Wiccans to celebrating the wheel of the year and seeking rites of passage as we share the magickal journey of life.